After the Storm–what have we learned? That Richard Brown has learned nothing .
Read MoreAfter the Storm–what have we learned? That Richard Brown has learned nothing .The tutors at the Welsh Institute of Chiropractic were ripping off their students
Read MoreThe tutors at the Welsh Institute of Chiropractic were ripping off their studentsOsteopaths tell “skeptics” their complaints are vexatious. GCC send 700 to the PCC. CHRE conclude both regulatory bodies are doing an excellent job.
Read MoreOsteopaths tell “skeptics” their complaints are vexatious. GCC send 700 to the PCC. CHRE conclude both regulatory bodies are doing an excellent job.Amit Patel’s Freedom of Information request to the CHRE.
Read MoreAmit Patel’s Freedom of Information request to the CHRE.Coats Retires

Why should anyone believe what Professor Edzard Ernst says, after he put his name to a BBC programme, he now describes as “deception”.
Read MoreWhy should anyone believe what Professor Edzard Ernst says, after he put his name to a BBC programme, he now describes as “deception”.The Chiropractic profession needs to get its act together and establish a consensus view of chiropractic and promote spinal joint care.
Read MoreThe Chiropractic profession needs to get its act together and establish a consensus view of chiropractic and promote spinal joint care.Allowing chiropractors in New Mexico to prescribe will be nothing more than using chiropractic as cheap labour in a state short of Medical Doctors
Read MoreAllowing chiropractors in New Mexico to prescribe will be nothing more than using chiropractic as cheap labour in a state short of Medical DoctorsThe complaint against Peter Dixon was not sent to the PCC and he was able to remain as chair of the General Chiropractic Council