“Scientist”, Stephen Hughes has “specialist” knowledge in chiropractic care of children. It is an absolute disgrace that he has been admonished by the General Chiropractic Council.

When I ran for a place on the General Chiropractic Council I was nominated by 5 chiropractors who had been the subject of vexatious complaints which had been thrown out by the GCC. I warned it could be you. While…

“Only intellectual cowards demand ‘gross intolerance’ The modern men of science who want to silence quacks are ironically on the same side as pre-Enlightenment religious dogmatists”, says Frank Furedi.

A common them in this blog has been the attitude of so called “Skeptics”, some are genuine skeptics who ask good question. Others (the majority )are simply prejudiced against anything that does not conform to their belief system around a…