IN 2002 Margaret Coats made a complaint against BCA chiropractor Jesper Jensen. She got David Byfield then a mere tutor at WIOC to write a report on his opinion of the website. After reading my rebuttal of the Byfields…
Category: Professional Conduct Committee
Many of the cases which have gone before the PCC were vexatious and had little to do with protecting the public and more to do with GCC chief executive Margaret Coats justifying her position policing chiropractors. This has cost millions of pounds. My favourite case to come before the PCC was the chiropractor who was charged with having cat hairs on the clinic floor. The PCC dismissed the complaint: total cost in the region of £60,000
Another example of how General Chiropractic Council wastes registrants money.
A new graduate usually starts work in August/September of the year of graduation and are expected to pay £1,250 for the full year even though they may only work two or three months of that year. Then new graduates are…
The General Chiropractic Council is not fit for purpose, how many times do chiropractors need to be told this before they act?
It is fair to say having a complaint made against you that alleges you are guilty of “professional incompetence” must be pretty stressful. Margaret Coats and her team of Rottweiler’s spend 18 months putting a case together. Then some months…
Will this be payback for the misery Margaret Coats and the General Chiropractic Council caused chiropractors in recent years
Four years ago I tried to get a few hundred chiropractors to make vexatious complaints against each other, to tie the GCC up in paperwork for years. Chiropractors thought everything would be better after the GCC elections and regulatory reform,…
A typical GCC complaint. Due to a chiropractors incompetence or just bad luck that patient came in?
When I was on the register I would often see cases come before the Professional Conduct Committee and you would think there but for the………. These “allegations” were just posted on the GCC website, I know nothing about the chiropractor…
My favourite GCC waste of money “cat hairs on the clinic floor” cost to the GCC £36,000 cost to chiropractic?
All the charges were droped against Bridget Gilmore today in what must be the most ridiculous case to ever come before the PCC. It has taken the GCC four years to put Bridget out of her misery because a former…
The Chiropractors who nominated for the GCC
When I ran in the GCC elections in May 2007, I had to get five chiropractors to nominate me. I wanted to get two things across with my nominations, that uniquely I could draw support right across the political spectrum,…
How the GCC makes the complaint fit the code of practice
What was the case about? The GCC would say it was about "protecting the public", I would say it was about the GCC adding another chiropractor to his hit list. The GCC executive officer Greg Price would then post on…
Garland Glens story of his GCC complaint
I haven’t thought about this in many years now. Maybe letting the pain and disappointment of the most unpleasant experience in my life fade into the past. However, while surfing the web last week, I found the forum and…
Making the complaint fit the GCC Code of Practice so charges can be brought.
The last few days I have been attending a PCC hearing, Dr Monica Handa is the defendant. A complaint was made to Dr Handa by a patient. Then the complaint was changed, apparently because the patient wanted to "deal with…