When the GCC hit financial difficulties in 2009, the CHRE wanted them to increase the registration fees. Realising this would likely “result in a walk away from registration sufficient to outweigh from a time-limited increase in the annual retention fee” the GCC increased the Mortgage to cover the £2,029,598, which they estimated as the actual impact of dealing with the complaints. This scenario worked provided the registrants agreed to have their hearing heard in private and chiropractors under investigation paid their registration fees.
Below is the e-mail Margaret Coats sent the CHRE
I still dont understand why the BCA went along with this, when chiropractors just showing up for a public PCC hearing would have cost the GCC in the region of £10,000,000 and at the very worst the outcomes for individual chiropractors would have been the same.
Perhaps the carrot was the promise of a new touchy feely GCC, who would not solicit so many vexatious complaints, or threaten complainants who no longer wanted to complain with fines to keep GCC costs down. In agreeing to this did the GCC and BCA council feel the GCC could win over the majority of the profession?