Coats Retires

How weird is that, I had just posted the blog post announcing I was passing chiropracticlive over to others and I get the message that Coats has retired, has she gone on gardening leave as her interim replacement has been…
How weird is that, I had just posted the blog post announcing I was passing chiropracticlive over to others and I get the message that Coats has retired, has she gone on gardening leave as her interim replacement has been…
This correspondence has been released by the GCC under Freedom of Information. The first letter is Peter Dixons response to the meeting the GCC had with the associations in November when they outlined in detail why Margaret Coats was not…
Got another letter from Peter Dixon, apparently I am infringing copyright laws using pictures of him from the GCC Newsletter and must stop. In addition I have been printing malicious gossip about Margaret Coats a “valued employee” who he has…
As the best chiropractor in Europe I had always hoped it was because of my superior adjusting skills and now I know its because I kissed the blarney stone when I was young and like to have a good laugh…
The results of the first 18 Professional Conduct Committee Hearings have been posted on the GCC website (Below the chiropractor who talked to his patient in his car). The Investigating Committee decided these people had a case to answer and…
On Thursday I received many e-mails notifying me of the joint statement from the four associations expressing “the entire professions lack of confidence in its regulation”. I am absolutely delighted the associations have made this statement. Which confirms the findings…
On the 18th of September at the BCA AGM a motion was passed “that the BCA membership had no confidence in GCC’s processes, interpretation and proportionality in its regulation of the chiropractic profession”. My view was they should have named…
“The joint statement “Working Together” is rather amusing considering all that has happened in recent years. How many statements do chiropractors need before the penny drops, the GCC is not fit for purpose. The statement explains “the roles…
Thanks to George for sending me this latest instalment from the GCC. GCC APPROACH TO PRESENTATION OF CASES RELATED TO CLAIMS MADE ON CHIROPRACTORS’ WEBSITES Once the GCC statutory Investigating Committee, acting on legal advice, has come to its independent…
When I was on the register I would often see cases come before the Professional Conduct Committee and you would think there but for the………. These “allegations” were just posted on the GCC website, I know nothing about the chiropractor…