Is this the beginning of the end of Margaret Coats time as Chief executive of the General Chiropractic Council.

coats on sun On the 18th of September at the BCA AGM a motion was passed “that the BCA membership had no confidence in GCC’s processes, interpretation and proportionality in its regulation of the chiropractic profession”.

My view was they should have named names and stated they had no confidence in Margaret Coats and Peter Dixon which would have been more to the point. What amazed me most; 22 BCA members did not support the motion, you would have to ask what planet they have been on recently.

It would seem these events have spurred the BCA council into action and at long last they are putting their heads above the parapet. One of the BCAs criticisms of the GCC, is its failure to disclose information to defendants in a timely manner.

Interestingly Margaret Coats and her office  have form here ; In 2005 the GCC was criticised by a high court judge for its failure to disclose evidence to a defendant chiropractor Warren Gage appears they learned nothing from that slap on the wrist.

Hopefully the BCA council has finally discovered its purpose and  decided to protect the interests of its members and point out to the profession and GCC council members  that the involvement of Margaret Coats in the investigative process is not always objective and often goes way beyond her area of responsibility as Registrar, Chief executive, Secretary to the education committee, returning officer etc etc. In addition she may have told a few porkies to justify her actions in relation to investigating some cases

The BCA have concluded that Margaret Coats “involvement in the investigation process taints the process so fundamentally that there is a potential breach of The Chiropractors Act 1994”.

With this in mind I would ask readers to take 30 minutes to read my removal statement and bear in mind what has gone on in Coats office over the last 15 years. I suspect she has not retired is because she can not afford to have anyone looking through her files.

Richard Lanigan
Richard Lanigan

Richard Lanigan DC.BSc (Chiro) MSc( Health Promotion) was born in North London 1957 of Irish Parents and was educated in Ireland. Originally trained as a PE teacher, he moved to Denmark 1979, where a serious knee injury got him interested in rehabilitation and training methods. Richard founded Denmarks premier fitness centre "Sweat Shop" in 1982 and travelled all over the world to find how best to prepare athletes for competition. In 1984 he became fitness and rehab consultant to the Danish national badminton teams, handball teams and many football club sides. This approach to optimal performance is normal in 2010, however back in the early 80s it was very revolutionary, when stretching was limited to putting on your socks and knee injuries were immobilised for months in plaster.
Richard developed rehabilitation and fitness programmes for many of Denmark’s top athletes including Kirsten Larsten and Ib Frederickson, all England singles badminton champions in late 80s. "Team Denmark" hired him and his facilities to help prepare many of Denmarks athletes for the LA and Seoul Olympics. In 1990 he worked with Anya Anderson, Olympic gold medallist and voted worlds best female handball player at the Atlanta Olympics.
Richard advised Copenhagen’s main teaching (Rigs) Hospital on starting their rehab facility in 1984. In the same year he started working with Denmarks leading chiropractor; Ole Wessung DC, who demonstrated the effectiveness of Chiropractic in improving athletic performance, so impressed was Richard that in 1990 he moved back to England to study chiropractic at Anglo European College of Chiropractic and was student president for two years between 1993-1995.

Richard was awarded a fellowship by the College of Chiropractors in 2008, however in January 2009 Richard chose to stop using the title chiropractor in the UK because the British regulatory body for chiropractic (The GCC) had not maintained international standards of chiropractic education in the UK and including prescribing medicines in the chiropractic scope of practice, a fig leaf for incompetent UK chiropractors to hide behind. Richard has another clinic in Dublin and is a member of the Chiropractic Association of Ireland and the European Chiropractic Union.
Richard has four children Eloise aged 3, Molly and Isabelle aged five and the eldest Frederik aged twenty one is pursuing a career as a professional tennis player and has represented Norway in the Davis Cup in 2006 & 2007. None of Richards children have ever taken any medicine, they eat healthy food, take lots of exercise and have their spines checked every month,
Richard has had much experience working in the Cuban health service where Doctors are keen to incorporate drug free interventions (acupuncture and chiropractic) and prevention in their health care programmes

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