When I ran in the GCC elections in May 2007, I had to get five chiropractors to nominate me. I wanted to get two things across with my nominations, that uniquely I could draw support right across the political spectrum, I am the only chiropractor who has been published in the magazines in all four associations.
The chiropractors who have nominated me for the GCC are members of different associations and represent the diversity of UK chiropractic. Michael Hutchinson and Monica Handa trained at AECC, Rod McMillan at McTimoney, Kola Akindele at Parker College and Desmond Pim graduated from Palmer in 1957. One thing they all have in common is that members of the public were encouraged to make vexatious complaints against them which were dismissed by the Professional Conduct Committee (PCC).
These colleagues feel a great sense of injustice at the way £268,730 of GCC money was used to bring their professional integrity into question. If I include Luke Nitschke the total rises to £314,730. Some will say this is only six chiropractors. I say wait until it happens to you and you are innocent you will regret doing nothing for the rest of your professional life. I did warn the profession of this in 2002 when I distributed part of a report I had written for the BCA council after being the expert witness for a BCA member in one of the first cases to come before the PCC.
Far more chiropractors get charged by the regulators than osteopaths. If you think it could not happen to you, think again. These are colleagues who often reacted with outrage to the vexatious complaint and wrote a long response to the GCC. If the GCC consider the complaint lacks merit, they will go through the statement and notes with a fine tooth comb looking for other things to charge the chiropractor with.
This practice is described in the “Fitness to Practise Report” 2007 on page 24 “It is often the case that charges formulated by the Investigating Committee have a broader and/or different focus than the wording of the original complaint. This is because patients, in expressing their concerns, will not usually have detailed understanding of the Code of Practice and Standard of Proficiency to which chiropractors must adhere.”
Chiropractors who have followed these case all say the same, “there but for the grace of God..!”
The problem is unlike other regulatory bodies the Investigating committee does not have the power to weed out vexatious cases.So any fool can make a vexatious complaint and if its in line with the code of practice there will be a case to answer and it will go before the PCC.
The “GCC relies on the Chief Executive & Registrar and other managers to establish and maintain standards of conduct and performance”. Someone at GCC HQ did post obscene defamatory messages on this site. Ms Coats was very close to Gregory Price who we know used anti-chiropractic internet forums to promote the GCC. Ms Coats has denied any knowledge of Price’s internet activity to me.
On the other hand, did Price lie to the PCC and have some other agenda like perverting the course of justice for accused chiropractors? If so, the GCC need to review every case he was involved in.
Michael Hutchinson suffered when a complaint after a free spinal check that was dismissed by the police and the BCA landed on the GCC’s door step? . Michael endured 18 months of stress. The PCC dismissed the complaint in January 2005 at a cost to the GCC of £ 40,895 not to mention defence costs.
Kola Akindele suffered when a complaint was made by a women who wanted money back for a couple of visits her husband had some months previously? The IC could not take account of the racist comments the complainant made in front of witnesses? He endured 18 months of stress and developed high blood pressure. The PCC dismissed the complaint in September 2004. It cost the GCC £30,260 but there were no defence costs because Kola defended himself. By way of apologising the GCC went searching his rubbish bins and are in the process of bringing new charges because a receptionist did not shred a few sign in sheets and an incorrect invoice.
Rod MacMillan suffered when a person with a long criminal record of questionable character made a complaint? The IC could not dismiss the case because there was a case to answer, he endured 24 months of stress. The PCC dismissed the complaint in May 2005 at a cost to the GCC of £ 96,000 not to mention defence costs. Rod is still waiting for an apology from the GCC.
Luke Nitschke suffered when a women complained about the manner of the Australian chiropractor after a initial consolation? he endured 18 months of stress. The PCC dismissed the complaint in October 2005 at a cost to the GCC of £46,000 not to mention defence costs. Luke is still waiting for an apology from the GCC.
Monica Handa suffered when a women complained that she had been kept waiting for an appointment? Monica endured 24 months of stress including being accused of defaming Gregory Price for saying that she “found it stressful talking to him and had the distinct impression he thought you were guilty until proven innocent”. The PCC dismissed the complaint in March 2006 at a cost to the GCC of £63,849 not to mention defence costs. Monica is not waiting for an apology from the GCC.
Desmond Pim suffered when a women complained that she had not been contacted promptly after a visit? Desmond endured 18 months of stress. The PCC dismissed the complaint in April 2006 at a cost to the GCC of £ 30,302 not to mention defence costs. Desmond is still waiting for an apology from the GCC.
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