THis is the advice the BCA is giving its members this month regarding advertising and The ASA from March the ASA CAP codes will be extended to cover on line marketing. This will come as a surprise to 700 BCA…
Tag: subluxation
Skeptics do more to “promote” chiropractic than most chiropractors do.
For two year now I have resisted the temptation of twittering, seeing no reason to share my thoughts as I take a peek at page three on the table next to me. A friend who is a big honcho in…
Chiroquackery! by Gert van der Walt
The worst thing about being thrown off the General Chiropractic Council, was the indifference shown by the chiropractic profession. Apathy is what has allowed the GCC/BCA alliance to promote their biomedical agenda for chiropractic. In recent months I have sensed…
Subluxation – An historical concept? We dont think so ! The UCA starts the fight back.
As one of the original founder members of the UCA, can I say how delighted I was to get this postcard in my post today. We formed the UCA to defend traditional chiropractic practice and in recent years the UCA…
De ja vue, every 20 years chiropractors do this to themselves.
This is a long posting hopefully it will be worth the effort. For over a hundred years chiropractors fought to protect their unique identity. The enemy is no longer a zealous American Medical Association or critics like the skeptics…
Its a bit premature for Zeno and GCC to write obituary of “Vertebral Subluxation”
On becoming a member of the GCC in 2007 one of the burning issues was the mechanistic definition of subluxation that the GCC had put on its website under FAQs. I had sent FAOI requests to the GCC because it…
GCC defines “subluxtion”
Unfortunately chiropractic like medical undergraduates have little discussion concerning the philosophy of health and yet it is an essential part of the way in which we understand the world. This omission from chiropractic education may explain why the extreme wings…
WHO guidlines for chiropractic education
In 2005, the World Health Organisation published guidelines on basic training and safety in chiropractic. These make interesting reading – a variety of methods and levels of training and education, listings of contraindications, sample educational programmes etc. Representatives inlcuded Mrs…
How much is the body politic going to cost us all
How Much is the Body Politic Going to Cost us all? By Richard Lanigan DC THE BCAs “PROFESSIONAL STATEMENT” FURTHER DIVIDES THE PROFESSION These should be great times for the chiropractic profession, but we continue to waste energy and resources…