GCC pre 2008Brian Winfrey posted this under commentsRead MoreBrian Winfrey posted this under comments
Featured Posts, Regulatory Reform: GCC 2008 to present, Scepticism or PrejudiceBCA and GCC member David Byfield would seem to concur with Simon Singh that the BCA were making bogus claims about the efficacy of chiropracticRead MoreBCA and GCC member David Byfield would seem to concur with Simon Singh that the BCA were making bogus claims about the efficacy of chiropractic
The Pharmaceuticle IndustryImpugning the integrity of Medical Science VioxxRead MoreImpugning the integrity of Medical Science Vioxx
Regulatory Reform: GCC 2008 to presentHow to Complain about the GCC and not upset Peter Dixon or Margaret CoatsRead MoreHow to Complain about the GCC and not upset Peter Dixon or Margaret Coats
Regulatory Reform: GCC 2008 to presentHow Peter Dixon soinned my removal to the professionRead MoreHow Peter Dixon soinned my removal to the profession
Professional Conduct CommitteeMy favourite GCC waste of money “cat hairs on the clinic floor” cost to the GCC £36,000 cost to chiropractic?Read MoreMy favourite GCC waste of money “cat hairs on the clinic floor” cost to the GCC £36,000 cost to chiropractic?
Regulatory Reform: GCC 2008 to presentHow the General Chiropractic Council Conducts an investigationRead MoreHow the General Chiropractic Council Conducts an investigation
Regulatory Reform: GCC 2008 to presentThe GCCs Kangaroo court to remove me from councilRead MoreThe GCCs Kangaroo court to remove me from council
Regulatory Reform: GCC 2008 to presentPeter Dixon’s plan for my removalRead MorePeter Dixon’s plan for my removal
GCC pre 2008Rod MacMillan’s letter of complaint to Peter DixonRead MoreRod MacMillan’s letter of complaint to Peter Dixon
GCC pre 2008All they want is to have me apologise to Margaret Coats for all the things I have said about herRead MoreAll they want is to have me apologise to Margaret Coats for all the things I have said about her
GCC pre 2008The only way to get information out is to breach confidentialityRead MoreThe only way to get information out is to breach confidentiality
The Pharmaceuticle IndustryHow to make friends and influence peopleRead MoreHow to make friends and influence people
UK Chiropractic AssociationsDivisions in the McTimoney associationRead MoreDivisions in the McTimoney association
Freedom of Speech, GCC pre 2008GCC chief executive Margaret Coats censors my election manifestoRead MoreGCC chief executive Margaret Coats censors my election manifesto
GCC pre 2008, Professional Conduct CommitteeThe Chiropractors who nominated for the GCCRead MoreThe Chiropractors who nominated for the GCC