BCA leaders quieten their members at SGM telling them Margaret Coats is on her way, however, she has informed Rod McMillan that she has no plans to retire.
Rod will be nominated to turn out the light therefore. It was the registrar at the Nursing and Midwifery Council that had to resign. This was in the Nursing Times. "A second senior member of the nursing regulator has announced that she is to resign following a highly critical report into the way the organisation is run. The Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence has just published the findings of its investigation into the nursing regulator, carried out at the request of health minister Ben Bradshaw. The CHRE criticised the NMC for serious weaknesses in its culture, the conduct of its council and ability to protect the interests of the public. Sarah Thewlis, chief executive and registrar of the NMC announced yesterday her intention to resign, though no date has yet been set. Nancy Kirkland, the council’s president, announced her intension to resign on Monday. Mrs Thewlis said: ‘Although CHRE’s report identified some weaknesses in the NMC, it did not criticise individuals. However, as the Chief Executive and Registrar who has led the NMC since 2002, I share responsibility on behalf of the executive management team. ‘Leading a demanding organisation such as the NMC brings great professional satisfaction, particularly an organisation responsible for protecting the public. However, with that professional satisfaction also comes personal accountability, leadership and a shared sense of responsibility for the NMC. That is why I have taken this decision,’ she said. "