Which chiropractors will the GCC throw to the sceptics, thats what I would want to know. The GCC must read my blog or I can predict every move Margaret Coats will make.
Margaret Coats, sorry the PCC has requested to hear the “website claims” that the GCC and BCA had on their website in private. I am sure the BCA will advise its members to comply because after the Simon Sing case the BCA will look even more incompetent than they already do, if these complaints by arch skeptic Margaret Coats are held in public.
I would only agree to a case being heard in private if I was given assurances by my Union reps that it will be thrown out. Unfortunately most chiropractors reps are GCC “go for’s”.
The GCC have not got the money to prosecute 600 cases, but have chiropractors got the courage of their convictions?