Tag: Simon Singh

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Back ‘cures’, a brave scientist and an epic court battle: How Britain’s libel laws are threatening free speech By Sue Reid Last updated at 1:31 AM on 01st July 2009 Comments (0) Add to My Stories With his round, John…

If Simon Singh is not allowed to express his opinions in the UK, chiropractic is finished, in fact it would never have started.

Think tank: Costly libel suits are stifling science Simon Singhs article in the Sunday Times 14/6/09: Last year I published an article in The Guardian about chiropractors who claim to treat childhood conditions such as asthma, colic and ear infection.…

Richard Brown Vice President of British Chiropractic Association argues that the criticism of his profession is wide of the mark

New Scientist INCE the British Chiropractic Association (BCA) decided to sue science writer Simon Singh for libel, scientists and journalists have unleashed a torrent of criticism against chiropractic. Much of this is misinformed and needs to be corrected. Many critics…

BCA and GCC member David Byfield would seem to concur with Simon Singh that the BCA were making bogus claims about the efficacy of chiropractic

Many of the statements made by Simon Sing and Edzard Ernst about chiropractic in their book “Trick or treatment” could have been lifted from David Byfields report and testimony in the GCC V Jesper Jensen case in 2002. I have…

Sir David Frost interviews Simon Singh

  One of Simon Sings first interview promoting the book he co-authored with Edzard Ernst Trick or Treatment. I dont think anyone would disagree with the position he has taken on homeopathy. However he also believes that chiropractors think they…