Tag: Edzard Ernst

Vacancy for a former medical doctor who did a bit of Woo on the side.

The Guardian’s health editor Sarah Boseley announced yesterday “We need this voice to fight quackery”                                                                                            Apparently celebrity professor, Edzard Ernst is in danger of losing his job as the only professor of complementary medicine. Sarah Boseley laments the fact…

BCA and GCC member David Byfield would seem to concur with Simon Singh that the BCA were making bogus claims about the efficacy of chiropractic

Many of the statements made by Simon Sing and Edzard Ernst about chiropractic in their book “Trick or treatment” could have been lifted from David Byfields report and testimony in the GCC V Jesper Jensen case in 2002. I have…

Incompetent leadership unable to put Ernst down.

It embarrass me that the chiropractic profession is so inept at rebuting Edzard Ernst. He reminds me of those holocaust deniers who attended a conference in Tehran last week. They were given media coverage because their ideas are so preposterous…

Edzard Ernst Presents his views to the GCC

In March 2006 chiropractors were shocked by the negative headlines in many newspapers promoting an article by Professor Ernst in the Journal of The Royal Society of Medicine. The GCC responded in a press release stating that it was “extremely…